Statistics Display

Returns Product-based Review Statistics and Questions & Answers Statistics. This method has been optimized and is created for inline ratings display.


Only API keys on our Conversations platform are eligible to use this API version. Refer to the Platforms section of our Platform & API Concepts documentation to learn which platform your API keys are on.


Try out Statistics Display API reference here.



Demonstration purposes only. Do not reuse the API passkeys below in your application.

Requesting native review statistics for one product

Requesting review statistics for one product

Requesting native review and review statistics for one product,NativeReviews

Requesting native review and review statistics for multiple products,data-gen-td50ixwh9pmjispxbwtely59d,data-gen-3jxhm78sfqfy8tg5qyinqioal,data-gen-ov7cr69sakbegasbhejikf0q0&stats=NativeReviews

Requesting statistics on North American content for one product,Reviews&filter=contentlocale:eq:en_US,es_US

Requesting questions & answers statistics for one product

All of the below examples will provide same response,Answers

Requesting questions & answers statistics for multiple products,data-gen-td50ixwh9pmjispxbwtely59d,data-gen-3jxhm78sfqfy8tg5qyinqioal,data-gen-ov7cr69sakbegasbhejikf0q0&stats=Questions

Requesting native review, review and questions & answers statistics for one product,NativeReviews,Questions,Answers


Name Description Required Default Value
PassKey API key is required to authenticate API user and check permission to access particular client's data. Yes
ApiVersion The API version, e.g. 5.4. Yes
Filter Filter criteria for content of the query. Must be Product IDs. Yes

The type of statistics that will be calculated on included subjects. Available content types are: Reviews, NativeReviews, Questions, Answers.

  • Reviews: returns statistics for all reviews, including syndicated content (if enabled on your API key).
  • NativeReviews: returns statistics only for reviews submitted on your site; Syndicated content and product family content are excluded.
  • Questions,Answers: returns statistics for questions & answers.

Note: Provide multiple content types using comma separation

Callback Callback function name used with JSONP. Value is a string consisting of the following characters: a-z,A-Z,0-9,_ (excluding comma). See the JSONP tutorial for more information. No
IncentivizedStats If set to true, displays the number of incentivized reviews for each product returned in the response within an IncentivizedReviewCount element. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the Stats parameter. No false

Filter options

  • Each filter argument specifies the attribute to filter on followed by a comma-separated list of values. For instance, "Filter=ProductId:eq:Product1,Product2" returns statistics for Product1 and Product2.
  • If a filter value contains a comma or a colon, that character needs to be escaped with a backslash (, or :). If a filter value contains an ampersand (&), the ampersand must be encoded in the filter value by replacing & with %26.

The following table lists the attributes available for filtering.

Name Description
ContentLocale Locale of the content on which to calculate the statistics. A wildcard character "*" can be used to define the value, e.g., "en*" returns all content in English (en_US, en_CA, en_GB, etc.). The two valid operators for this filter are equals (eq) and not equals (neq).
The identifier for the products that will be returned in the results. This filter is required. A limit of 100 ProductIds exists when used in the Filter.

Response format

This is a sample response for requesting reviews. Use the links above to see live examples.

    "Includes": { },
    "HasErrors": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "TotalResults": 1,
    "Locale": "en_US",
    "Errors": [ ],
    "Results": [
    "Limit": 2

This is a sample response for requesting questions & answers. Use the links above to see live examples.

    "Includes": { },
    "HasErrors": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "TotalResults": 1,
    "Locale": "en_US",
    "Errors": [ ],
    "Results": [{
        "ProductId": "data-gen-2s9kaf0ugzn0p2flzl73ahuys",
        "NativeReviewStatistics": { },
        "ReviewStatistics": { },
            "TotalQuestionCount": 21,
            "TotalAnswerCount": 27
    "Limit": 1

Response elements

Name Description
Always empty
Boolean value indicated if one of more errors have occurred. See Errors below.
Dataset offset used for pagination (passed as URL parameter in a query request). The maximum supported value is 300000.
Total number of records matched.
Indicates the language by region (language_region) associated with the client instance. This is the value used for field labels returned by the API, not the region from which the reviews originate.
Error section is populated instead of other fields if there is an error with a query syntax or problem executing a query.
Section containing an array of primitive type object references matched by a query.
The total number of results returned, specified by user in the URL using the ProductId filter parameter described above.

Error codes

Value Description

Invalid API Key value


Invalid filter attribute name


Invalid parameter value


Invalid JsonP callback function name


Rate limiting error, i.e. too many requests per time interval


For unsupported features, clients etc.


Insufficient privileges to perform the operation


Unknown error (internal server error, for instance)